Meet Evano: Kitty Chu

Co-Creating a haven of inspiration begins with us as a community. Get to know some of our members with four questions. Here are their answers.

This time we get to know Kitty alias Matte is the new Black, a Hong Kong-based content creator and photographer, who specialises in digital content creation and styling. Thank you so much dear Kitty for your time and your inspiring answers! Enjoy!

1. Which situation or book changed your perspective on life?

A book that I’ll never forget would be Goodbye, Things: On Minimalist Living by Fumio Sasaki. The process of seeking simplicity transcends my old path and heightens the understanding of myself, from needs and desires to creativity and sense of awareness. Mr. Sasaki’s philosophy and vision impacts me on how to live a more meaningful life with less possessions. 

2. Which 3 words are most powerful for you and why?

Gratitude – We often disregard the power of positivity. We ought to learn how to be grateful for things that we take for granted. It could be a clean glass of water, a good stretch, a message from your best friend, a good quote you read – you name it. 

Humble – Being modest is key to happiness. The world will be filled with more love. 

Forgive –  The ultimate way to show love to yourself. Let it go and all else will unfold.

3. What is your mental timeout?

They say happiness is free and I’m a firm believer of it. I simply tune in to a brown tabby kitten’s youtube live broadcast. My inner sanctuary appears when I see his presence. Thanks to technology, I can have my timeout anytime, anywhere. 

4. What does seek more than just success mean to you?

Success is the goal and seeking is the journey. The journey outweighs the goal, in my opinion. We are intrigued by the unseen journey, whether it be calm or turbulent. We outgrow ourselves through the discovery of an intense self-consciousness. In the journey, we learn to be grateful of how far we have come, be modest when we succeed and be forgiving when we meet failure.

If you want to follow Kitty, you can find her on Instagram.